The 12-Lead ECG set consists of four cards to guide interpretation. Partnered with our 12 Lead ECG Course (NOTE: Hyperlink this to the sales page), this is the perfect companion to understanding the process. The systematic evaluation guides the clinician in looking at the tracing. The simplistic “Quick and dirty” axis interpretation is included along with a colored table to quickly locate the area of the heart involved based on the leads. Bundle branch and fascicular blocks are detailed. Characteristics of atrial and ventricular chamber enlargement are described with sample waveforms for understanding. Rhythm effects in electrolyte imbalances and ECG changes for clinical conditions such as pericarditis, pulmonary embolism, ventricular
aneurysm, and pericardial effusion are included.
The “In My Pocket” series from BrainyNurses.com by Educational Concepts is designed to
put knowledge at your fingertips to help you become the nurse you want to be. Previously only available in hard copy, we have digitized the series to make them as mobile as you are! Take advantage of the savings available in this new format as we have knocked the price down by 50%. Thousands of Nurses have loved this product and continue to use them on the job and during nursing courses. Get yours today for only $4.97!
Step 1: Enter your name/email
Step 2: Pay for the flash cards
Step 3: We’ll email you the flashcards to you